NetLicensing RESTful API Kotlin Client
As Kotlin’s usage continues to grow and improve, one thing becomes clear: Kotlin is Everywhere and Programmers love Kotlin. At Labs64 NetLicensing we picked up Kotlin as a language for our new NetLicensing Client Library. This new library includes several convenient classes and features for you to use when integrating your products with the NetLicensing RESTful API. You can check out and evaluate beta-Version of the NetLicensing Kotlin Client here
About NetLicensing
Labs64 NetLicensing is a first-class solution in the Licensing-as-a-Service (LaaS) sector. Based on open standards, it provides a cost-effective, integrated and scalable platform for software vendors and developers who want to concentrate on their product’s core functionality instead of spending resources on developing an own license management software.
Labs64 NetLicensing website:
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